Science Projects

During 7 days we have been doing Science Projects in P3, P4, P5. We have stopped our daily routine and we have focused on learning through experiments, touching, feeling...We have enjoyed it a lot!

In P3 we have worked on the project What can you see in the sky? in which we have played guessing games with shadows, we have learnt what we can see during the day and during the night and we've also gone to the playground to look at the sky and we saw aeroplanes, clouds, the sun and birds! We've had a great time!

In P4 we have worked on the project The rainbow We have enjoyed it a lot, we have changed the colour of the water by adding different types of paper, we have created new colours by mixing two other colours and we have also seen a rainbow on the playground! And as an experiment we have put some white flowers in the different coloured bottles to see if the petals of the flowers changed colour, but they haven't!

In P5 we have worked on the project The five senses in which we have experimented a lot! We have worked on the sense of sight by playing with shadows and shapes. The sense of smell by guessing the smell of chocolate, soap, cheese, cinnamon and vinegar. Hearing by listening to different sounds like zips, animals, cars,... The sense of touch by touching different textures and distinguishing between hard, soft, rough,... The sense of taste by tasting different type of food. And as a final activity we made chocolate-chip cookies! They turned out delicious!!

Durant 7 dies hem estat fent els Science Projects a P3, P4 i P5. Hem deixat de banda la rutina diària i ens em centrat a aprendre experimentant, tocant, sentint.... Ens ho hem passat d'allò més bé!

A P3 hem treballat el projecte What can you see in the sky? on hem jugat jocs d'endevinar mitjançant ombres. També hem après què és el que podem veure durant el dia, què podem veure durant la nit i també hem anat al pati a mirar el cel i hem vist avions, núvols, el sol i ocells! Ho hem gaudit molt!

A P4 hem treballat el projecte The rainbow. Ens ho hem passat molt bé, hem canviat el color de l'aigua ficant-hi dins diferents tipus de paper, també hem creat nous colors barrejant-ne altres i també hem vist un Rainbow al pati de l'escola. També hem tingut temps de fer un experiment (tot i que no hagi funcionat) on hem posat flors de color blanc dins de les botelles de l'aigua de diferents colors per veure si canviaven de color!

A P5 hem treballat el projecte The five senses, on hem treballat els 5 sentits. Hem treballat el sentit de la vista mitjançant jocs amb ombres i formes. El sentit de l'olfacte, olorant xocolata, sabó, formatge, canela i vinagre. El sentit de l'oïda, escoltant diferents sons com cremalleres, animals, cotxes...El sentit del tacte, tocant diferents textures i notant les diferències entre elles. El sentit del gust tastant diferents tipus de menjar i com a activitat final, hem fet galetes de xocolata que ens han sortit boníssimes!!



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