During lock down, we keep in touch!

Malgrat que alguns dels nostres alumnes estan confinats, l'anglès no s'atura

Who would have told us two years ago that we would be locked in our houses and would have to change our face-to-face classrooms to online ones!

When doing an online class we have to try and connect with the kids emotionally and it’s not an easy task as a screen is between the student and the teacher.
Classes have to be dynamic, active and entertaining. Due to the situation these weeks we had to adapt our lessons and do them online. The kids who were in the house, had the opportunity to connect to the 30 minutes English class every day. With no materials included, the English classes have been based on the daily routines, the songs, the topics worked in the school, and games that they could play in their houses. As an example of one active activity, the kids had to go to their fridge, open it and find a fruit and a vegetable and show it to the camera. With this activity you continue working on the topic and you also engage them to speak and move
around the house.
Thanks to technology the kids in the school and the kids in the house could keep in touch
which made all the children happy.
